City of Dewitt

Planning & Zoning Services

The City of DeWitt contracts with Beckett & Raeder to provide planning and zoning services in the City.

Beckett & Raeder responsibilities include:

  • Beckett & Raeder is responsible for reviewing all applications for re-zonings, lot splits, site plan approval, special land use permits, and variances.
  • Provide written staff reports about requests to the Planning Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals.
  • Acts as a resource for residents and property owners with planning or zoning-related questions.

Zoning Information

The City has included on this website basic information about the Zoning Ordinance. This information is intended to provide the reader with general information about zoning in the City. View the complete Zoning Ordinance and City Code of Ordinances

View the City Zoning Map.

View the Comprehensive Land Use Master Plan

FEMA Flood Map Service Center

Zoning Board of Appeals

The City Council acts as the City’s Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) and is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring that the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance are fully and equitably achieved.
  • Providing a means for competent interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Accomplishing flexibility in the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Ensuring that the spirit of the Zoning Ordinance is observed, public safety is secured and substantial justice is achieved.

The ZBA is responsible for hearing the following matters:

  • Administrative appeals from decisions or act of judgment by the Development Official, Planning Commission or City Council regarding the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Appeals from decisions made by the Planning Commission or City Council pertaining to site plans
    Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance when it is alleged that a particular provision of the Ordinance is unclear or if there is uncertainty over zoning district boundaries.
  • Determining the classification of any land use not specifically mentioned as a part of the provision of any district § Determining the off-street parking and loading requirements of land uses not specifically mentioned in the Off-street Parking and Loading section of the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Requests for non-use variances. Non-use variances are only allowed by the ZBA in cases where there is reasonable evidence of a practical difficulty. The ZBA reviews specific standards to determine if there is justification and support for a non-use variance.
  • Requests for use variances. Like non-use variances, use variances are only granted when there is reasonable evidence of unnecessary hardship.

Applications for variances may be obtained at City Hall.

Zoning Districts

The City is divided into the following ten districts:


Public and Quasi-Public District
The PQ district is intended to provide for the limited need for open space areas, parks, conservation areas, public schools, religious institutions, governmental facilities and preservation of historic places.


Single Family, Moderate Density Residential District
The R-2 district is intended to promote stability in existing moderate density neighborhoods by ensuring comparable residential densities, encouraging a safe environment for family life, and preserving amenities.


Multiple Family Residential District
The MF district is intended to provide for a mixture of housing types and to ensure that multiple-family housing is located in areas that can support this type of development.


Office District
The O district is intended to accommodate a variety of nonresidential land uses of an administrative, business, and professional nature, which are necessary to the normal conduct of a community's activities.


Single Family, Low-Density Residential District
The R-1 district is intended to provide stability in existing low-density areas by ensuring compatible residential density, encouraging a safe environment for family life, and protecting areas from undesirable land uses.


Moderate Density Mixed Residential District
The R-3 district is intended to provide for the stability of the existing residential development located in older neighborhoods of the City while accommodating a range of compatible residential uses.


Central Business Commercial District
The CB district is intended to promote the consolidation of commercial activities in the existing town center by providing for a variety of different uses.


Limited Commercial District
The LC district is intended to provide for the limited need for convenience commercial establishments and other businesses which, due either to size or nature, are not well suited for locations within the central business zoning district.


Manufactured Home Park District
The MHP district is intended to provide a location for a variety of housing types in the community.