City of Dewitt

Building Department & Fees

Contact Information

To call for an Inspection: 517-277-0700
Permit Inquiries/Contractor Questions: 517-668-0278

Swimming Pools & Fences

Any pool over 24 inches in depth requires a barrier. A barrier is defined as a fence, wall, building wall, or combination thereof which completely surrounds the pool and obstructs access to the swimming pool.

If the barrier is a fence: A fence shall be 48 inches above grade. Maximum vertical clearance between the grade and bottom of the fence shall be 2 inches. Openings in the fence shall not be climbable. Only vertical members or chain link mesh shall be 2.25 inches unless slats are woven into the chain link.

The fence shall have a self-latching or self-closing gate with the release mechanism being 54 inches from the bottom of the gate or in the alternative, be placed on the poolside of the gate-3 inches from the top.

All above-ground or in-ground swimming pools without side walls at least four (4) feet in height must be fenced per the fencing requirements contained in c. above or can be secured by mounting a fence or other barrier on top of the pool structure so that the pool is enclosed by a barrier at least four (4) feet in height. If the means of access to the pool is a ladder or steps, the ladder or steps shall be capable of being secured, locked or removed to prevent access.

Pool Permit – Zoning and Building Applications

Building & Trade Permits

Building and/or Trade Permits are required for the following:

  • Construction or alteration of any structure
  • Construction of an addition
  • Demolition or moving of a structure
  • Installation or alteration of any electrical, mechanical, or plumbing equipment.
  • Roofs; Siding, Windows, and Deck Repair.
  • Swimming pools capable of holding water over 24 inches (in-ground & above ground).

Zoning Permits (typically no charge) are required for any work that does not require a building, electrical, mechanical, or plumbing permit such as:

  • Driveways with or without turnaround pads
  • Fences
  • Sheds under 200 square feet
  • Swimming pools capable of holding water up to 24 inches.